A Mushroom Grow Box So Mighty It Does Not Even Need the Box
Want to grow edible mushrooms at home? You need our version of the mushroom grow box, which can conveniently fit anywhere in your house
We have evolved our mushroom products to a level that goes beyond the mushroom grow box. If you want to grow your own gourmet mushrooms at home, you can do it with our a variety of strains from our mushroom growing kit product line. No box is necessary as our grow kits come in easy-to-use bags that equate to less packaging and more bountiful yields of delicious mushrooms. You could always put your mushroom growing kit into a box if you really wanted to be growing your edible mushrooms from a true mushroom grow box. What you really need to know is that our grow kits are of the highest quality for a few main reasons. Let’s take a look at those reasons now.
The most important qualities of a mushroom grow: Mushroom box or kit options must produce well
Anyone taking the time to buy a mushroom grow kit and eagerly waiting for the mail to arrive is doing so because they truly want to grow mushrooms. There’s an interest in witnessing the process from the start to the finish. There may even be mouth-watering daydreams about the types of dishes that will be prepared with the help of the mushroom harvest. The buyers of our mushroom growing kits want big, beautiful, tasty mushrooms in return for their time and attention, and that’s what they typically receive. Our grow kits are the same we have used in commercial production while producing up to 500 pounds of mushrooms weekly. These kits yield well, appeasing even the toughest critics.
Sometimes traditional mushroom grow boxes do not provide the best substrate
We have spent time testing various substrates and mushroom strains to determine which grow the best from a commercial standpoint. We have found some “sweet spots” as a result, particularly with our research into oyster mushroom and shiitake strains and aligned substrates. Here are the types of mushroom grow kits we currently offer:
Blue oyster mushroom
Lion’s mane mushroom
Pink oyster mushroom
Black oyster mushroom
Shiitake mushroom
Reishi mushroom
Phoenix oyster mushroom
Yellow oyster mushroom
Pioppino mushroom
King trumpet mushroom
What to look for in starting your own mushroom grow at home
We provide high-quality mushroom grow kits and a variety of spawn types so mushroom fans and mycology experts can grow on their own terms, as hobbyists and professionals. Some of our customers have a strong love for the outdoors and have been interested in growing all types of food for themselves. Mushrooms not only provide them with a healthy, nutritional source of food, but they can also be grown both inside and outside. Other returning customers find fascination in the process of fruiting mushrooms. They experience joy when the young mushrooms begin to pin, and even more excitement once it nears harvest time. Take a look through the variety of grow kits we have available. You should also take a look at our selection of plug spawn, sawdust spawn, and grain spawn, particularly if you are interested in growing more mushrooms and doing so either outdoors or inside commercially.
Here are a few tips if you want to make your own mushroom grow box
A mushroom fruiting chamber, which is another form of mushroom box, is exactly what it sounds like; A box where you can grow mushrooms! You can use a mushroom box to grow a lot more mushrooms than you could in a single kit. You even even fill your mushroom box with dozens of mushroom kits if you make it big enough. A mushroom grow box can come in a variety of sizes. You could make a simple 2’ x 2’ mushroom box. Some professional farmers use 53’ trailers are mushroom grow boxes as well. Regardless of the size, there are a few things that all mushroom boxes should have in common. For instance:
You will want a clean, controlled area to use while fruiting mushrooms.
The area will be wet with a high humidity. A concrete floor with or near a drain is helpful.
You want to make sure you can clean it easily. It does not need to be sterile or hyper clean, but we do clean our grow room weekly.
A rectangular shape is preferred for a mushroom grow box because the air flow can disturb the air more evenly in this design. Otherwise there could be corners that do not receive enough airflow, which could ultimately lead to contamination.
Airflow with adequate oxygen, and not high levels of CO2, is necessary for fruiting mushrooms.
You will need to exhaust the air out of the mushroom box or grow room.
Are you interested in knowing more about building a mushroom box or fruiting chamber? Check out this article.